import torch
from bitorch_engine.layers.qlinear.nbit import MPQWeightParameter
def unpack_qweight(qweight: MPQWeightParameter) -> torch.Tensor:
Reconstructs the fp16 weight tensor from the input quantized weight parameter.
qweight (MPQWeightParameter): The quantized weight parameter object containing all necessary quantization information.
torch.Tensor: The reconstructed weight tensor in fp16 format.
ValueError: If essential attributes are missing in the input qweight parameter.
NotImplementedError: For quantization types that are not yet supported.
Supported quantization styles:
1. GPTQ style with g_index.
2. GPTQ style without g_index.
3. Mixed-bit quantization.
layer_type = getattr(qweight, 'layer_type', None)
if layer_type is None:
raise ValueError("Error: invalid attribute of qweight in 'unpack_qweight'.")
# Process based on layer type
if qweight.layer_type == 1: # GPTQ style (with or without g_index)
wf = torch.tensor(list(range(0, 32, qweight.w_bit)), dtype=torch.int32, device=qweight.device).unsqueeze(0)
weight = torch.bitwise_right_shift(torch.unsqueeze(qweight, 1).expand(-1, 32 // qweight.w_bit, -1),
wf.unsqueeze(-1)).to(torch.int16 if qweight.w_bit == 8 else torch.int8).view(-1, qweight.size(-1))
torch.bitwise_and(weight, (2 ** qweight.w_bit) - 1, out=weight)
if qweight.asym:
zeros_unpack = torch.bitwise_right_shift(torch.unsqueeze(qweight.zeros, 2).expand(-1, -1, 32 // qweight.w_bit),
wf.unsqueeze(0)).to(torch.int16 if qweight.w_bit == 8 else torch.int8)
torch.bitwise_and(zeros_unpack, (2 ** qweight.w_bit) - 1, out=zeros_unpack)
zeros_unpack = zeros_unpack + 1
zeros = zeros_unpack.reshape(-1, qweight.size(-1))
weights = qweight.scales[qweight.g_idx.long()] * (weight - zeros[qweight.g_idx.long()])
# 2. GPTQ style without g_index.
if qweight.g_idx is None:
scales = qweight.scales.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, weight.size(0)//qweight.scales.size(0), 1).view(-1, qweight.scales.size(-1))
zeros = qweight.zeros.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, weight.size(0) // qweight.zeros.size(0), 1).view(-1, qweight.zeros.size(-1))
weights = weight.mul(scales) - zeros
weights = weight * qweight.scales[qweight.g_idx.long()] - qweight.zeros[qweight.g_idx.long()]
elif qweight.layer_type == 2: # MBWQLinear layer
weights = None
from bitorch_engine.layers.qlinear.nbit.cuda import MBWQLinearCuda
use_mbwq = True if qweight.q_group_map is not None else False
if not use_mbwq:
weights = MBWQLinearCuda.q42fp_weight(, qweight.scales, qweight.zeros, qweight.group_size,
qweight.w_bit, qweight.q_perm)
weights = MBWQLinearCuda.exl2fp_weight(, qweight.scales, qweight.zeros, qweight.q_perm,
qweight.q_group_map, qweight.rows)
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
print(f"Error: Module not found: {e}.")
raise NotImplementedError("Error: 'layer_type' not yet supported!")
return weights
def pack_fp_weight(weight: torch.Tensor, qweight: MPQWeightParameter, unpacked_zeros: torch.Tensor = None) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Packs the fp16 weight into a quantized weight format using the attributes defined in the QweightParameter.
This function handles three main scenarios:
1. GPTQ style quantization with group index (g_index).
2. GPTQ style quantization without g_index.
3. Mixed-bit quantization (currently not implemented).
weight (torch.Tensor): The floating-point weights to be quantized and packed.
qweight (MPQWeightParameter): An object containing quantization parameters.
torch.Tensor: The packed integer tensor representing the quantized weights.
ValueError: If 'layer_type' attribute is invalid or not present.
NotImplementedError: For unimplemented quantization methods, like mixed-bit quantization.
layer_type = getattr(qweight, 'layer_type', None)
scales = getattr(qweight, 'scales', None)
zeros = getattr(qweight, 'zeros', None)
w_bit = getattr(qweight, 'w_bit', None)
asym = getattr(qweight, 'asym', None)
g_idx = getattr(qweight, 'g_idx', None)
if layer_type is None:
raise ValueError("Error: invalid 'layer_type' attribute in 'unpack_qweight' method.")
# Process based on layer_type and existence of q_perm for quantization
if layer_type == 1 or (layer_type == 2 and qweight.q_group_map is None): # MPQLinear or MBWQLinear-q4
if asym: # this if-branch is for classical GPTQ-style models
if unpacked_zeros is not None:
zeros = unpacked_zeros
elif zeros.dtype == torch.int32:
wf = torch.tensor(list(range(0, 32, w_bit)), dtype=torch.int32,
zeros_unpack = torch.bitwise_right_shift(
torch.unsqueeze(zeros, 2).expand(-1, -1, 32 // w_bit),
wf.unsqueeze(0)).to(torch.int16 if w_bit == 8 else torch.int8)
torch.bitwise_and(zeros_unpack, (2 ** w_bit) - 1, out=zeros_unpack)
zeros_unpack = zeros_unpack + 1
zeros = zeros_unpack.reshape(-1, qweight.size(-1))
raise ValueError(f"Error: Got invalid dtype of qweight.zeros while packing fp weight.")
intweight = torch.round(weight / scales[g_idx.long()] + zeros[g_idx.long()]).to(torch.int32).clamp(0, 2**w_bit-1)
if g_idx is None:
# Adjust scales and zeros for symmetric quantization without group index
scales = scales.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, weight.size(0)//scales.size(0), 1).view(-1, scales.size(-1))
zeros = zeros.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, weight.size(0) // zeros.size(0), 1).view(-1, zeros.size(-1))
if hasattr(qweight, "q_perm") and qweight.q_perm is not None:
q_perm = qweight.q_perm.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, weight.size(1)).long()
weight = torch.gather(weight, dim=0, index=q_perm)
intweight = torch.round((weight + zeros) / scales).to(torch.int32).clamp(0, 2 ** w_bit - 1)
# Calculate integer weights for symmetric quantization with group index
intweight = torch.round((weight + zeros[g_idx.long()]) / scales[g_idx.long()]).to(torch.int32).clamp(0, 2**w_bit-1)
# Perform parallel bitpacking
wf = torch.tensor(list(range(0, 32, w_bit)), dtype=torch.int32, device=qweight.device).unsqueeze(0)
intweight = torch.sum(
intweight.reshape(-1, 32 // w_bit, intweight.size(-1)),
# TODO: Placeholder for channel-mix quantization method
raise NotImplementedError("Error: pack_fp_weight for MBWQLinear using channel-mix quantization not supported yet.")
def make_group_map(q_groups: torch.Tensor, num_qrows: int) -> torch.Tensor:
Creates a mapping of quantization groups for handling irregular group sizes in quantized models.
This function generates a tensor representing the mapping of groups, where each group might have
a different size due to the quantization process. The mapping is used to organize or access quantized
weights or parameters based on their group assignment.
q_groups (torch.Tensor): A tensor containing information about the quantization groups. It is expected
to hold pairs of values, where each pair consists of 'bits' and 'start index' for each group.
num_qrows (int): The total number of quantization rows, representing the overall size of the quantization
torch.Tensor: A tensor of short integers representing the group mapping. Each group is represented by
its index followed by the inverse row index within the group.
Given q_groups tensor indicating group sizes and num_qrows indicating the total quantization rows,
this function calculates the group mapping required for accessing or organizing the quantized parameters.
num_groups = q_groups.numel() // 2
group_map = []
for i in range(num_groups):
bits = q_groups[i * 2]
if i < num_groups - 1:
qrows = q_groups[i * 2 + 3] - q_groups[i * 2 + 1]
qrows = num_qrows - q_groups[i * 2 + 1]
rows = qrows * 32 // bits
for j in range(rows):
group_map.append(rows - j)
return torch.tensor(group_map, dtype=torch.short, device=q_groups.device)