import torch
from torch.autograd import Function
from bitorch_engine.utils.safe_import import import_extension
binary_conv_cpp = import_extension("binary_conv_cpp")
from bitorch_engine.utils.quant_operators import get_binary_row
from ..layer import BinaryConv2dBase
class BinaryConv2dForward(Function):
A custom autograd function to perform forward pass of a 2D binary convolution.
This class implements a static method `forward` to carry out the convolution operation
using binary weights and activations. The operation is performed using a custom C++
backend for efficiency.
- No class-level attributes.
- forward: Performs the forward pass of the binary convolution.
def forward(ctx, activations: torch.Tensor, weights: torch.Tensor, m: int, n: int, k: int, kernel_size: int,
stride: int, padding: int, dilation: int, output_edge: int) -> torch.Tensor:
Forward pass for the 2D binary convolution.
Utilizes a C++ backend implemented in `binary_conv_cpp.forward` to perform the operation.
This method is statically defined and automatically integrated with PyTorch's autograd mechanism.
- ctx (torch.autograd.function.BackwardContext): Context object that can be used to stash information
for backward computation. You can cache arbitrary objects for use in the backward pass using
the `save_for_backward` method.
- activations (Tensor): The input feature map or activation tensor.
- weights (Tensor): The binary weights tensor.
- m, n, k (int): Dimensions of the input, specifically:
- m: The number of output channels.
- n: The number of input channels.
- k: The spatial size of the output feature map.
- kernel_size (int or tuple): Size of the conv kernel.
- stride (int or tuple): Stride of the convolution.
- padding (int or tuple): Zero-padding added to both sides of the input.
- dilation (int or tuple): Spacing between kernel elements.
- output_edge (int): The size of the output edge to ensure the output dimension matches expectations.
- Tensor: The output feature map resulting from the binary convolution operation.
This method is part of the forward pass and needs to be paired with a corresponding backward
method to enable gradient computation.
output = binary_conv_cpp.forward(activations, weights, m, n, k, kernel_size, stride, padding,
dilation, output_edge)
return output
class BinaryConv2dCPP(BinaryConv2dBase):
This class implements a binary convolutional layer in PyTorch, specifically optimized with C++ extensions.
It inherits from BinaryConv2dBase to leverage common binary convolution functionalities with added
optimizations for efficient computation.
bits_binary_word (int): Defines the size of the binary word, defaulting to 8 bits.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Initializes the BinaryConv2dCPP layer with the given arguments, which are forwarded to the base class.
Additionally, it sets up the binary word size for quantization.
*args: Variable length argument list to be passed to the BinaryConv2dBase class.
**kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments to be passed to the BinaryConv2dBase class.
super(BinaryConv2dCPP, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.bits_binary_word = 8
def prepare_params(self) -> None:
Prepares and initializes the model parameters for training.
One can use "prepare_bie_layers" method from project_root.utils.model_helper to call this function.
def generate_quantized_weight(self, qweight_only: bool = False) -> None:
Generates and stores quantized weights based on the current weights of the layer, utilizing a binary
quantization method. Quantized weights are stored as a torch.nn.Parameter but are not set to require gradients.
qweight_only (bool): If True, the original weights are discarded to save memory. Defaults to False.
w_size = self.out_channels * self.in_channels/self.bits_binary_word * self.kernel_size * self.kernel_size
self.qweight = torch.nn.Parameter(
get_binary_row(self.weight.reshape(-1, ),
torch.empty(int(w_size), dtype=torch.uint8),
w_size * self.bits_binary_word,
if qweight_only:
self.weight = None
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Defines the forward pass for the binary convolution operation using the quantized weights.
x (torch.Tensor): The input tensor for the convolution operation with shape (N, C_in, H, W),
where N is the batch size, C_in is the number of channels, and H, W are the height
and width of the input tensor.
torch.Tensor: The output tensor of the convolution operation with shape determined by the layer's
attributes and the input dimensions.
# pass m, n, k
m = self.out_channels # number of output channel
k = x.size(dim=1) * self.kernel_size * self.kernel_size; # number of input channels * kernel size
# (Image_w – filter_w + 2*pad_w) / stride + 1
output_edge = int((x.size(dim=2) - self.kernel_size + 2 * self.padding) / self.stride + 1)
n = output_edge * output_edge # number of pixels of output images per channel
return BinaryConv2dForward.apply(x, self.opt_weight, m, n, k, self.kernel_size, self.stride, self.padding,
self.dilation, output_edge)